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As the health and safety regulations in the Universe are different as those from the Altiverse, the below recipe is considered to be for entertainment purposes only. This is not a recipe you are advised to try. The author accepts no responsibility any threat or damage to health resulting from using the recipe below. 


In the Altiverse these cakes are pretty ubiquitous. Almost all republics have their own official version. This recipe below is the classic created in honour of the Commonwealth's tercentenary. 

Makes about 24 Patriot Cakes



Milk – 260g - 1 cup
Butter – 30g - 2 tbsp
Flour – 100g - 3/4 cup
Maple Syrup – 100g - 1/3 cup
Sugar – 75g - 1/3 cup 
Egg Yolks – 40g - 2 egg yolks
Bourbon – 30g - 2 tbsp
Salt – 2g - 1 tsp

1. Heat milk and butter on a low heat until butter is melted and incorporated.

2. In a mixing bowl, mix flour, sugar, egg yolk, maple syrup, bourbon and salt. Using a mixer blend the ingredients together until a thick batter is obtained. 
3. On a slow speed, gradually incorporate and blend the milk and butter mixture into the contents of the mixing bowl. 
4. Take an oven proof cookie tray with twelve individual five-pointed star shaped molds and butter the indentations. Pour in the mixture two thirds of the way up the star-shaped indentations.
5. Bake at 350 F or 180 C for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Patriot cakes are done once a toothpick pushed into the cake (which is really cookie size) comes out clean. Fan assisted ovens may bake in just under twenty minutes. 
6. Carefully, with gloves and a good grip, place a wooden chop-ping-board on top of the tray, turn upside down, place on a tabletop and pull up the tray. The cakes should now be upright and lying flat on the board. The cakes will be floppy once immediately out of the oven. Once cool, the cakes will be firmer and can be eaten. 
7. Patriot Cakes are best kept in a sealed bag or container once cooked, to avoid drying out. 
8. Enjoy the Commonwealth of Republics’ most patriotic treat! Best served with Oregon Coffee.

Disclaimer: The above is for entertainment purposes only. 

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